write your condition ~ . . !

الموضوع في 'اللغات' بواسطة Barca10Angel, بتاريخ ‏11 نوفمبر 2009.

[ مشاركة هذه الصفحة ]

  1. just like always

  2. I am Quiet
  3. Iam noise

  4. ~ thanx for then topic


    ~ i'm very hoppy to day

    bay ..^^
  5. little bit tired

  6. I'm tired because of the tests ..==" ..~
  7. i'm so dizzy

  8. i’m sad to day .. > <" ..~
  9. i mad 2day

  10. today i’m very sick
  11. i'm really happy 2day

  12. I am tired now

  13. hello everyone ...

    hows the weather

    Iam so happy
    are your happy
  14. Thanks about the subject
    i like same that
    my condition is ok
    because i buy from the dominos pizza restaurant
  15. my condition in now
    I Drink the juice.
  16. i'm a little bit tired 2day

  17. i'm doin great

  18. normal

  19. sick

  20. disappointed
