what do you think about me ...

الموضوع في 'اللغات' بواسطة s n o w, بتاريخ ‏14 يناير 2010.

[ مشاركة هذه الصفحة ]

حالة الموضوع:
  1. any 1 eles ???????????????????????????????????? come an

    pley people
  2. Wo0o0o0o0o0oW what a great idea

    okay about myself

    i'm so shy - polite - lovely - kind girl

    about my Friends ohh i cant describe it

    any way ThanX alot 4 the nice idea

  3. every 1 sooooooooooooo shy

    why no one like plaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay

  4. Hello A7zan

    How are you ?? i hope that your fine

    great topic thanx


    about myself

    i'm a precious girl - sometimes lovely - and i get mad fast - sometimes shy

    and about friends

    their kind just like the other friends


  5. that is your kind

  6. Hello Dear

    I like your idea

    OK about me: i'm streak sometimes

    lovely ofcourse - kind - cute - smart and alot of things

    and my Friends they are all good i cant tell more than that

    thanks alot for the nice topic
  7. thanks dear

    for your kind
  8. هيا ابا مشااااااااااااركات اكثر تفاااااااااااااااااااعل اكثر
  9. Thanks for the nice topic
    about me:
    I very Like myself..
    I feel confident myself
    about my friends:
    I very Like my friends
    I feel safe and the calm with them..
    I do not wish their Parting..
  10. شكرا زهرة الانمي

    نورتني بردك
  11. هيه وييييييييييين الرد ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

    ابغا درود وتفاعل ممكن
  12. مشكورهـ على الموضوع النايسس***
  13. شكرا كتيررررررررررر خيتو ع الرد الجمييييييييييييييييييل
  14. hello everyone ...

    hows the weather
  15. thanks

  16. I ask about weather her
  17. i am not sure about me but i think
    some times (shy-quickly angry)

    about my friend she is (scared-nice friend)
  18. thank s

    very mush
  19. [​IMG]
    First* Thanks for the nice theme ^ ^

    I am satisfied with myself

    And I love all my friends

    I would like to thank His topic brainwave ^ ^

    Greetings to you

    Goodbye ^^
حالة الموضوع: