♫♪♡ Writings of the vacuum ..♥♪

الموضوع في 'المنتدى العام' بواسطة Riven, بتاريخ ‏16 يونيو 2012.

[ مشاركة هذه الصفحة ]

  1. ...
    • أعجبني أعجبني x 3
  2. [​IMG]
    How Are You Guys And Girls ?? i hope You all In
    fine :3
    how is yours holidays
    Hope this will be fun ??
    After I finished Of the examinations I felt very bored
    and Today I decided to write Some thoughts
    To relieve boredom ..
    I hope to gain your satisfaction
    On this day, I decided To talk to them
    Equipped with myself and I was ready
    But as soon as her I could not Do anything
    Has become a piece of ice
    Stood from afar and I hope to see come to me
    and I know it did not come never
    Approached the hour of The end and
    I can not do anything .. and That's all over
    Well .. Today I will doing Will not retract
    I will go to him .. Nothing prevents me I am now ready again
    .. But what is this?? He comes to me .. He asked me a question
    But I can not set out ..
    Please, Please, my tongue spoke .. Pronunciation of my tongue
    But what did it say ??
    Something stupid does not make sense
    And went back and ended the day
    Today is the last day .. Will not see you again
    And forever .. It's the last chance ..
    I will go to him will not stop me my tongue .. I will do anything
    stupid, even if
    Well .. I will .. But where is it?? I saw him I can not
    What do I do?? Do you wait?? Or search??
    Time runs out .. What do I do, O my God ... Remained a matter of seconds
    I found him here .. But not alone .. Who are you??
    And what you want him ??
    I understand now .. And you also you understand
    And everything is over
    My advice to all ... if you love some one
    don't let him go like me
    you i will comeback to you near
    have a good time :3
    • أعجبني أعجبني x 8
  3. وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله
    أهلاااااااااااااااااااااااااااااً بسيد Riven
    بصراحه أفتقدت تواجدك في المنتدى وفتقدت مواضيعك الرائعه والمميزه
    أنا لم أشأ أن أرد على موضوعك بالأنجليزي لأن مستواي فيه ليس جيداً وخفت أن تسخرمن أملائي فيه
    المهم موضوعك فعلاً فعلاً رائع الفواصل جداً جميله وأيضاً طريقتك في التنسيق
    أما بنسبه لقصتك فقد كانت محزنه جداً وبالأخص النهاية
    لا شك بأن ذلك كان مؤلماً
    ورغم أني لا أؤمن بالحب ألا أني أوافقك في نصيحتك
    أتمنى أن لا تطيل الغياب عن المنتدى
    وعذرني على ردي المتأخر فقد أعتقدت بأنك لا تزال تريد كتابة المزيد
    شكراً على هذا الموضوع الجميل
    سأظل أنتظرك لتبهرني بمستجداتك
    • أعجبني أعجبني x 2
  4. Riven
    At First>>GooD EVENING
    ":Let Me say THESE Words
    ~ Writings Of The Vacuum ~
    Nice Topic
    I Like Every Thing U. Write
    You Are v. Talented
    The Design ،، The Header ،، The Type Of Font So Cute ،، The Colors
    Y‘R Story very Sadness
    I Hope That U. Become OK. sOOn
    With All My Best For U.
    • أعجبني أعجبني x 2
  5. مرحبا اختي
    الموضوع ممتاز وخاصة التنسق
    القصة حزينة مرة
    تقبلي مروري:oops:
    • أعجبني أعجبني x 1
  6. وعليكي السلام والرحمة والاكرامــ..
    مية اهلا وسهلا فيكــ اختي
    شـــكراا كتير لالكـــ .. لا اختي لا تحكي هيكــ
    ابداا .. مستحيل اسخر منكــ لو شو ماصار ,,
    وبعدين بالعكس دليل انك فهمتي القصة
    معناتو مستواك مرتفع بالغة مـــوو : )
    شاكر لالكـــ مرورك عن جد .. نورتي ظلمت الموضوع
    دائما شرفيني .. تحياتي
    • أعجبني أعجبني x 2
  7. Thank u very much for such a nice story
    bless u 4 ur effort

    هذه كلمة مخترعها من عندي اغيض بها اخواتي لانهم ايموتون من عدها
    بس انا الان اعطيها معنى انك متميز
    • أعجبني أعجبني x 1
  8. hi miss sherry
    how are you . . i hope you are fine
    thanx to you so mach your words is
    so cute like you : ) nice tome
    i see you hear .. want to thanx you aging
    see ya ^-^
    • أعجبني أعجبني x 1
  9. hi sister .. first i want
    to till you am a boy ^-^
    second want to thanx you
    to come hear ..
    see ya
  10. hi bro .. how are you ..
    you are welcome .. any time ^-^
    thanx to you so mach
    you are make me happy
    thanx agine
  11. How do U do....?? Inshaa Allah "Good"
    Thnx 4 this interesting topic
    May Allah Pleas U .
    Actually you are a great designer , and really I loved your writing .
    But you have a little mistakes in the Grammar
    for example you cannot say "how is yours holidays
    this sentence has 2 mistakes it shoud be
    how are your holidays ...? i think
    also you have missed this part Well .. Today I will doing
    the correct is
    Well .. Today I will do
    and we can not say and I know it did not come never
    because it is run on sentence > It has 2 subject And 2 verb you seprate them by
    a conjunction
    and I know,that it did not come
    and you cannot write 2 negatives (did not , never )j ​

    thanx again + hope the best for you
    and sorry 4 annoying